Balance on Buffalo


Welcome to Balance on Buffalo!

Massage therapy at Balance on Buffalo is a progressive massage and bodywork practice offering customized treatments designed with your special needs and preferences in mind. Whether you are seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, pain management, or improved feelings of balance and well-being, together,, we will create the experience you need.

If you would like to set up an appointment with me, go to for online scheduling or call 920-684-8880.

Balance on Buffalo in Manitowoc, WI exists as an oasis... providing a safe and nurturing space in which to manifest and empower your own innate capacity to heal. Massage therapy and bodywork, sound massage, Reiki, coupled with our ongoing yoga classes, kirtan and special workshops are all intended to spark an unfolding of the beauty and human potential that each of us carry within. We are here to guide and nurture a greater awareness and unification of Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit by exploring the space that divides them.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.